ICOAS 2018

6th International Conference on Organic Agriculture Sciences

ICOAS 2018 Logo

9 November: Organic Policy Summit – Innovationsforum Biolandwirtschaft

Preliminary Programme Organic Policy Summit – Innovationsforum Biolandwirtschaft


Reception and Gartensaal


Registration, Welcome Coffee


Opening of Organic Policy Summit

Elisabeth Köstinger, Austrian Federal Minister for Sustainability and Tourism





Key Note Speakers
·         Alexandru Potor, State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Romania

·         Sándor Farkas, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Hungary

·         Jan Gallas, Director of the Environmental and Ecological Agriculture Department of the Ministry of            Agriculture, Czech Republic

·         Nikolaus Berlakovich, President of the Austrian Chamber of Agriculture Burgenland, Austria




Panel Discussion

·         Andreas Kranzler, Director FiBL Austria

·         Michael Blass, Director Agrarmarkt Austria Marketing GmbH

·         Theresia Neuhofer, Organic Farmer, Chairwoman of the Austrian’s Chamber of Agriculture Committee on Organic Farming

·         Gertraud Grabmann, Organic Farmer, President of Bio Austria

·         Jiří Lehejček, Board Vice President of IFOAM-EU

·         Barna Kovács, Counsellor of BIOEAST Secretary




Lunch Break
13.30-18.00 Field trips ICOAS

Visit of two organic producers in the region. Please click here for more information on the field trips.


Workshops Innovationsforum Biolandwirtschaft (langauge: DE)

Please click here for more information.

It is our honor to announce that Elisabeth Köstinger, Austrian Federal Minister for Sustainability and Tourism, will open the Organic Policy Summit. Ms Köstinger invites participants to follow the lively discussions with high-level speakers on the ongoing developments of organic agriculture in Central and Eastern Europe.

On 9 November Esterházy Palace will become the centre of political discussions on organic agriculture. The Organic Policy Summit, provides organic stakeholders and policy makers with a platform for open discussion. The aim of the Summit is to link key figures from research, politics, farming associations, trade and other interest groups to identify the role the field of organic agriculture and food production should assume within EU and national agricultural policies.

As for the rest of ICOAS, the Organic Policy Summit will focus on fostering the relation between Central and East European Countries.

Relevant questions in the discussions of the Organic Policy Summit are e.g. the development of production of and markets for organic products in and across the various Central and East European Countries. In light of the current trend towards more regional products, a trend mainly occurring in Central Europe, different national market development strategies (e.g. export-orientation vs. production for the domestic market) and their impacts on the agricultural system should be discussed. There also the role organic agriculture can take in promoting regional development should be explored.

Moreover, the Organic Policy Summit should shed light on the question where and what research activities on organic agriculture sciences are conducted in Central and Eastern Europe. Thereby possible deficits and viable solutions to these deficits should be identified. Possible ways to create synergies across countries should be explored to further strengthen the organic sector.

Attendance at the Policy Summit is free of charge. However, registration is required. Please click here for the registration.